On Three: An introduction to digital photography for cavers

This is a superb instructional CD created by John Woods, a professional photographer and caver. It gives you a great introduction to the technique of digital photography, especially for cave photo applications. It is extremely well-written and profusely illustrated with real life cave photographs and how they were created, manipulated and output to various devices. In addition to John's excellent descriptions, photographs, and techniques, there is a gallery of 45 digital images by yours truly, Peter Jones of Shot in the Dark Cave Photography.

Chapters include discussions on:
Digital Basics
Hardware and Software
Digital Cameras
Digitizing Photographs
Tools and Techniques
Special Methods
Tricks of the Trade
and much more. Click here to see the text of a sample chapter, less the illustrations.

As sole U.S. distributor of the CD, I am pleased to offer this wonderful publication for the price of $15, plus $5 postage (Priority Mail). Future upgrades are offered at a nominal $5 fee. John has stressed that all his profits from the sale of this CD go directly to a recognized Save the Caves-type organization of his choosing. Never has anyone given so much of his time and knowledge and asked so little in return. It is an honor to be able to offer this CD to you. Cash, check, Visa/MC/Amex are all accepted. Click here to order.